Premier Manufacturer for Windmill Industry
Offers Cutting-Edge Quality Assurance Facilities with Global Capabilities
Venus Industrial Corporation is one of the premier manufacturers of forged and machined components for the windmill industry, continually developing and implementing new capabilities to meet the specific challenges of the wind power generation. Our skilled forging team delivers superior forging services that exceed all client expectations. In remote areas, wind power is a necessity, and therefore substantial forgings and machined components are needed. The windmill industry is currently facing major challenges such as outdated technology and a lack of reliable systems.
With years of experience, our company understands the technical requirements of the windmill industry. Our experts deliver high-quality & precise products that meet your industry design specifications and desired outcomes. We have ultra-modern testing labs as well as in-house research and development to improve the quality of products supplied to the windmill industry.
Throughout our career, we have always worked closely with industry professionals and clients to handle issues, overcome market challenges, and grow together. By constantly adapting new technologies with changing trends in the windmill industry, we are laying a solid foundation for meeting international standard expectations from our products.